Chevy Chase Plastic Surgeon Dr. David Kung Gives Back
Community Service
Dr. David Kung has become a well-recognized name in the field of plastic surgery. Kung Plastic Surgery offers plastic surgery techniques in Chevy Chase, Washington, D.C., and the greater metropolitan area.
Dr. Kung has over a decade of pro bono surgery all over the country as well as Kathmandu, Nepal, Ecuador, Africa, China and the Philippines to name a few.
Dr. Kung has performed countless surgeries over the past decade. Surgical complexities range from correction of birth defects (like cleft lip, cleft palate, skull deformities), burn deformities, hand and foot anomalies, tumor excision and reconstruction, scarring. These surgeries sometimes number 10 to 20 each day.
"This is why you go to medical school to be a doctor," says Dr. Kung. "My foray into pro bono work has made me in constant awe of the human spirit – nothing has the capacity to broaden one's outlook than helping out your fellow man.”
If you want more information about the procedure, or want to schedule an appointment at Kung Plastic Surgery,
Call (301) 986-8878. Our friendly staff can help you with your plastic surgery questions.